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Become a Member

Join the fight with over 110, 000 strong...

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The AFSA was founded in 1961 by four Air Force NCOs who recognized the need for an organization to represent the voice of all enlisted personnel to America’s elected and military leaders. AFSA founders Benny McGehee, Lee Thompson, Virgil Perry and Don Ward established the association, and McGehee later became the first president, becoming the first representative of an all-enlisted organization to give testimony before the House Armed Services Committee.

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Become a Member

Call 1-800-638-0594 ext. 288

Your Association continues to work long and hard to ensure the many benefit reductions being proposed are minimized or nullified. And, your membership will continue to pay dividends in terms of fair and equitable pay increases, retirement programs, educational benefits, and affordable and available health care. “The cost of a one-year membership is $36, two year $63, and three year $89. Life memberships are also available: Age 40 and under $650, Age 41 – 50 $550, Age 51 – 60 $450, and age 61 and over at $350.


Develop Veteran Alliances

Connect with Veteran Organizations


Airman Outreach

Educate on Quality of Life

The Airmen are the foundation of what our culture represents. The transition of them becoming NCOs is even more important as they must learn they essence of why are quality of life is so great--AFSA recruitment is the best way....right at their schoolhouse

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Installation Outreach

Capture The Largest Audience

Everyone must in-process and receive a newcomer's briefing once they arrive to the installation and there is no better venue for everyone to be introduced to AFSA...this is why we are there

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